Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established New phase of response in Japan |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring Contact-Confirming App |
Movement restrictions: Border closure Resuming cross border travel |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Increase the capacity of the health care system |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Expansion of testing capacity |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Switch to a "new lifestyle" |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Additional quarantine measures |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions partial lifting of measures restricting foreign people from entering Japan; relax restrictions only for business travel between Japan and the four countries of Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and Viet Nam |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established raising of Warning on Infectious Disease Levels |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions refrain from using public transportation |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established emergency measures are deemed no longer necessary; therefore, the
lifting of the state of emergency was declared |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring Monitor continuously the situation of infection through the development of surveillance system and appropriate information provision and sharing, recognizing that the risk of the spread of infection remains |
Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services Increase gradually the level of socio-economic activities by easing the request for refraining from leaving home and restricting the use of facilities with a certain period for transition after the lifting of the state of emergency, given that the "new lifestyle" is widely accepted |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies all nationals to stand by for 14 days at a location designated by a quarantine station |
Movement restrictions: Border closure Strengthening border measures related to Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions The measures including visa restrictions, which had been decided to be implemented until the last day of May, have been extended until the last day of June |
Public health measures: General recommendations raising of Warning on Infectious Disease Levels for 11 countries |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring surveillance and appropriate medical care especially for the elderly |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Gradually increase the level of socio-economic activities |
Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared 8 prefectures to remain under "specific cautions", whilst other regions will be released from the state of emergency. |
Public health measures: Testing policy approved antigen testing |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions The Government will continue to implement entry restrictions, travel warnings, and visa restrictions, from the viewpoint of preventing the flow of infected people into Japan and the spread of infections throughout Japan |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Refraining from leaving home |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings measures including staying home and restricting the use of facilities (self-restraint request of business operations) will continue |
Social distancing: Schools closure The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will gradually restart school education activities according to the status of infections in each region |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring Surveillance -- "Information grasp and management support system" for speedy information sharing |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies The Government will continue to strengthen quarantine, from the viewpoint of preventing the flow of infected people into Japan and the spread of infections throughout Japan |
Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public PPE required at health care facilities |
Public health measures: General recommendations General recommendations for practicing "New Lifestyle" |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Subsidy programs to address welfare of children. Emergency support, food banks, housing. |
Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced Revised guidelines for measures to maintain the maternal health of working women who are pregnant under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. Measure shall be applied from May 7 to January 31 2021. |
Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared emergency measures extended to May 31, 2020 |
Movement restrictions: International flights suspension Avoid All Travel for 14 countries. In Europe, it will be raised for three countries: Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia. In the Middle East, it will be raised for five countries: the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Furthermore, in Central and South America, it will be raised for Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, the Dominican Republic, Barbados, and Peru. It will also be raised for Djibouti in Africa. Those are the 14 countries. |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Emergency Economic Measures for Response to COVID-19 |
Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared Declaration of a State of Emergency in response to the Novel Coronavirus Disease. This order covers the whole country and goes until 6 May |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies From 0:00 am, April 3rd, 2020 (JST), the measures to call upon all nationals to stand by for 14 days at a location designated by a quarantine station chief and to refrain from using public transportation will be introduced. |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions "New measures to strengthen border measures". The measures include extensive visa restrictions |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions foreign national will be subject to denial of landing (see link for more details) |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Anyone who has boarded an airplane or ships from Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei Darussalam, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Israel, Qatar, Democratic Republic of the Congo or Bahrain at or after 0:00 on March 28 (JST) and not be isolated or stopped is required to stay 14days at a location designated by the quarantine station chief and not to use public transportation in Japan. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies nationals arriving from the subject countries (Note) to wait 14 days at a location designated by the quarantine station chief and to refrain from using public transportation will be introduced. |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions Validity of specified visas are suspended, as well as suspension of visa exemption measures |
Movement restrictions: International flights suspension Passenger flights from China or Republic of Korea. |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions foreigners listed below are denied permission to enter Japan as ones who fall under the Article 5, paragraph (1), item (xiv) of Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, unless exceptional circumstances are found. Targeted at (1) foreigners who stayed in China, Republic of Korea, many countries in Europe, and Iran within 14 days prior to the application for landing; (2) Foreigners who have Chinese passports issued in Hubei Province or Zhejiang Province of China; (3) Foreigners who were on the cruise ship Westerdam, departed from Hong Kong. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Anyone who has boarded an airplane or ships from United States of America at or after 0:00 on March 26 (JST) and not be isolated or stopped is required to stay 14days at a location designated by the quarantine station chief and not to use public transportation in Japan. |
Public health measures: General recommendations General recommendations for all Japanese nationals residing in foreign countries or traveling overseas |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings With support from China and the ROK, Japan announced the postponement of the Tokoyo Olympic Games |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Anyone who has boarded an airplane or ships from European countries, or Egypt at or after 0:00 on March 21 (JST) and not be isolated or stopped is required to stay 14days at a location designated by the quarantine station chief and not to use public transportation in Japan. |
Social distancing: Schools closure schools that have been closed temporarily at the request of the government |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings consider suspending, postponing, or reducing scale of large-scale events |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The MHLW has set up a hotline for parents affected by school closures related to COVID-19. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Requested employment and recruitment activities for those who are planning to graduate or complete in 2020 in response to the new type of coronavirus infectious disease, and special considerations for those who are going to graduate and complete in 2019. |
Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions Non essential travel from foreign nationals who have visited the following the last 14 days: China (Hubei Zhejiang), South Korea (The city of Daegu or the neighbouring county of Cheongo; and the cities of Gyeongsan, Andong, Yeoncheo, and counties of Chilgok, Uiseong, Seongju or Gunwi in North Gyeongsang Province), Iran (Qom Province, Tehran Province, Gilan Province, Alborz Province, Isfahan Province, Qazvin Province, Golestan Province, Semnan Province, Mazandaran Province, Markazi Province, Lorestan Province), Italy (Veneto Region, Emilia Romagna Region, Piemonte Region, Marche Region, Lombardy Region) and San Marino. |
Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Measures taken to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 by the prefectural labor departments, labor standard offices and Hello Work job -placement offices |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings consider suspending, postponing, or reducing scale of large-scale events for the next 10 days until the situation can be further reviewed |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Additional special measures taken for Employment Adjustment Grants in response to the impact of COVID-19 on businesses |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The MHLW is requesting consideration for business opportunities for freelancers and self-employed persons affected by COVID-19 . |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Set up a special loan system for people whose household income has fallen due to the COVID-19 outbreak |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The MHLW starts accepting applications for special subsidy programs for small and medium-sized enterprises affected by COVID-19. (First mentioned that they were initiating this on March 3, but it was actually implemented and opened to the public on March 9.) |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Anyone who has boarded an airplane or ships arriving from China or Republic of Korea at or after 0:00 on March 9 (JST) and not be isolated or stopped is required to stay 14days at a location designated by the quarantine station chief and not to use public transportation in Japan. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The MHLW is requesting efforts to secure employment of workers affected by the COVID-19 outbreak from businesses. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Prioritize delivery of masks to the regions of Nakafurano and Kitami. Approximately 40 masks per household will be given priority distribution, but from the viewpoint of distributing the limited masks currently secured to as many residents as possible, One pack of 7 masks (for adults) will be distributed to households. The remaining 30 masks will be distributed in the second and subsequent distributions as soon as the masks are secured. |
Public health measures: General recommendations General recommendations on health/wellness |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings consider suspending, postponing, or reducing scale of large-scale events for the next 2-weeks (March 11) until the situation can be further reviewed |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring established a 24-hour call center for Japanese returnees and potential contacts. Establish the surveillance system to grasp the epidemic situation in Japan, while switching to use of PCR test for the confirmation of diagnosis necessary to treat pneumonia patients who require hospitalization, in communities where the number of patients continues to increase. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Basic policies protocol document implemented by the Headquarters for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control. |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Awareness campaign, including encourage employees and other personnel to take days off if they have fever or other flu-like symptoms, and promote teleworking and staggered office hours; Provide appropriate information and support for Japanese nationals in countries where infection is spreading; Provide appropriate and prompt information to the public, foreign governments and foreign tourists. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Measures being taken include measures being taken to identify patients, improve laboratory functions, ensure appropriate information sharing, established 24-hour call centers for Japanese returnees and potential contacts, increasing healthcare-system capacity, etc. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Asks organizers of events to reconsider, or at least take measures to reduce the spread of infection. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Avoid all travel to Zhejiang Province in China. Avoid non-essential travel in the remainder of China. |
Public health measures: Awareness campaigns Smartphone apps installed to all rooms on board the Diamond Princess ship, including FAQs, requests for medicines, mental care consultation, and tele-medicine consultations with doctors. |
Public health measures: Psychological assistance and medical social work Mental health support through Smartphone app |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Passengers on the Diamond Princess ship over 80 years of age are no longer allowed to open or close their windows. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies If passengers on the Diamond Princess ship test negative for COVID-19 and wish to disembark, they are required to disembark and wait in isolation for incubation period. (Ship completely disembarked on March 1, as confirmed here: < https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/newpage_09889.html >) |
Movement restrictions: International flights suspension Japan has placed a restriction on entry into the country for non-Japanese people with a history of stay in Zhejiang Province within the past 14 days who apply for landing permission in Japan. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system MHLW will start offering a toll-free helpline for people seeking advice on the new corona virus on Feb. 7. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies targeted to those returning from Wuhan and medical/quarantine procedures for all confirmed-cases. |
Movement restrictions: International flights suspension suspension and reduction of flights by Japanese airlines to/from Wuhan in the afternoon of February 4. There are 4 chartered flights being set up to return Japanese nationals who wish to return from Wuhan to Japan, and then flights from Wuhan will be closed. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Through providing emergency assistance to regional countries to handle the outbreak. |