Filter for Italy Government Actions to Stop the Spread of Coronavirus

Date | Description Link
2020-07-16 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Health Minister Roberto Speranza on Thursday issued a ban on air, road and rail travel from Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo to Italy due to the COVID crisis. The three countries have been added to the list of those considered at risk due to the virus. This list already comprised 13 nations.
2020-07-14 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Health Minister Roberto Speranza announced extension of the restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of the coronavirus until July 31.
2020-07-10 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
An Ordinance signed by Health Minister Roberto Speranza "Bans the entry of people arriving from at-risk countries" into Italy due to the coronavirus. The Ordinance, which Speranza signed after consulting the ministers of foreign affairs, the interior and transport, regards 13 countries: Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brazil, Bosnia Herzegovina, Chile, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru and the Dominican Republic. It bans anyone who has stayed or passed through those countries in the previous 14 days from entering or transiting through Italy.
2020-07-07 In Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Health Minister Roberto Speranza on Tuesday suspended flights from Bangladesh after a spike in coronavirus cases among the Bangladeshi community in Rome caused by arrivals from their homeland.
2020-07-01 Out Movement restrictions: Visa restrictions
Citizens of the 14 countries identified by the EU in the "green list", may move freely through Italy from 1 July.
2020-06-15 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Contract for vaccine procurement signed with Astrazeneca, together with Germany, Netherlands and France
2020-06-15 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Children and young people are allowed to use places intended for playful, recreational and educational, even non-formal, indoors or outdoors activities
2020-06-15 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Sports or physical activities outdoors allowed, even in equipped areas and public parks, if safety distance observed
2020-06-15 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Basic sporting activity and physical activity in general carried out in gyms, swimming pools, sports centers and clubs, public and private, or at other structures where activities are carried out directed to the individual’s well-being through physical exercise, are allowed
2020-06-15 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Theatres and cinemas to reopen
2020-06-03 Out Movement restrictions: Border closure 
Borders to EU countries opening
2020-06-03 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Movement between regions allowed again
2020-06-01 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Launch of tracking app, non-mandatory (based on decision from 17.04)
2020-06-01 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Payments for 900 million euros to municipalities and 150 million euros to provinces and metropolitan cities
2020-05-29 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Stop of alcohol sales at midnight outside premises
2020-05-26 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
Army troops are now available to support the police in Phase 2 of the coronavirus emergency
2020-05-25 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Swimming pools, gyms and other sports facilities to reopen
2020-05-25 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Swimming pools, gyms and other sports facilities reopening
2020-05-25 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Seroprevalence study initiated
2020-05-25 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Sanitation in the facilities for the elderly and disabled
2020-05-21 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Import of foreign medicine packs allowed, due to drug shortages
2020-05-21 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Guidelines for sports developed in connection with associated easing measures
2020-05-18 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Extension: Ban on people gathering in public (no specific person limits mentioned)
2020-05-18 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Restaurants, cafes and bars to reopen
2020-05-18 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Hairdressers, barbers, beauty salons to reopen
2020-05-18 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Bars and restaurants reopening
2020-05-18 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons are reopening
2020-05-18 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Travel within the same region is not subject to any limitations anymore
2020-05-18 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Reopening of Catholic churches
2020-05-17 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
People are allowed to travel with their pets, including across regional borders in line with the activities already permitted for travel
2020-05-17 Out Lockdown: Full lockdown
People no longer need to carry around a self-declaration form for the reason for being outside
2020-05-17 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Guidelines for reopening sectors established
2020-05-16 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Course on COVID-19 for public administrators extended to also be available to other professions (biologists and health assistants)
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: business liquidity with € 34 billion for SACE guarantees and for refinancing the SME Fund; € 12 billion to Regional Authorities and local bodies for the payment of Public Administration debts to suppliers and service providers
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: Extension until 16th September: all tax payments suspended by the previous decrees
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: VAT on medical and personal protection goods and equipment is eliminated until 31 December and then reduced to 5%.
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: The plastic and sugar tax has been suspended, while system charges for utility bills have been eliminated for all businesses
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: All foreclosures on wages and pensions have been suspended
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: € 25 billion have been allocated to support employment and guarantee income and decent living conditions
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: reinforces parental leave and babysitter vouchers; the number of days of assistance for disabled family members has been increased; funds have been allocated for assistance and services for the disabled
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: € 4 billion for the cancellation of the June IRAP (regional tax on productive activities) balance and advance payment
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: € 1.4 billion have been allocated to universities and national research bodies, 4,000 researchers will be recruited in universities and research bodies
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: Health System and Civil Protection Force supported with € 5.5 billion for the reorganization of the hospital network and the improvement of facilities
2020-05-15 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
As part of 155 bn. EUR package: € 3 billion for tourism and culture sector
2020-05-14 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Beaches are allowed to reopen, recommending some mandatory booking systems to ensure not too many people gather as well as with minimum distance of 5m between rows of umbrellas
2020-05-14 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Extension: Ban of swimming pools within establishments
2020-05-14 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Proper recycling of face masks
2020-05-14 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
Military personell trained as "disinfectants" and deployed for such
2020-05-14 In Public health measures: Testing policy
Migrants are being tested on COVID-19, before transferred within Italy
2020-05-14 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Specific guidelines for various sectors developed (hair dressers, restaurants, etc.)
2020-05-13 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
3 billion and 250 million euros are allocated for the National Health Service, also to hire additional health workers
2020-05-06 In Public health measures: General recommendations
List of recommendation for people travelling with public transport (e.g. only use it for essentials as much as possible)
2020-05-06 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
On the correct use of face masks
2020-05-05 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Drones to monitor the gatherings in Alessandria
2020-05-05 In Public health measures: Testing policy
All professional athletes resuming training are being tested and regularly repeated
2020-05-05 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Reminder of general hygiene practices
2020-05-04 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Information campaign on the correct use of masks
2020-05-04 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
Ban on going out for those with more than 37.5 degrees of fever and required to contact doctor
2020-05-04 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
Requirement for wear face masks in public transport
2020-05-04 Out Public health measures: Amendments to funeral and burial regulations
As for religious ceremonies, funerals will be allowed, which will be attended by first and second degree relatives for a maximum of 15 people
2020-05-04 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Take-away and food catering allowed again
2020-05-04 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Public transport is increased again gradually
2020-05-04 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Cementeries are allowed to be visited again, while keeping up hygiene measures
2020-05-04 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Extension beyond 4th May opening: Retail activities remain suspended apart from those shops already authorized
2020-05-04 Out Lockdown: Full lockdown
Manufacturing, construction, real estate brokerage and wholesale trade may restart again business under safety measures
2020-05-04 Out Lockdown: Full lockdown
Manufacturing and construction sectors are returning to work, along with wholesale retailers linked to the active sectors
2020-05-04 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
With the phase-out of the full lockdown, a partial lockdown remains with only reasons to leave house being work, health, necessity or visit to relatives (this now includes sports and being outside also beyond the immediate neighbourhood)
2020-05-04 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Travel outside the region will instead be allowed for work, health, urgency reasons and for returning to one’s home.
2020-05-04 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Access to public parks will be allowed respecting the distance and regulating the entrances to the children’s play areas
2020-05-04 Out Social distancing: Schools closure 
Universities can hold exams and sessions for the presentation of degree theses, while respecting social-distancing. Laboratories can operate too as well as placement programs.
2020-05-04 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Closed-door training sessions of individual sports athletes will be allowed
2020-05-04 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
With the relaxed measures a new travel form is online that will be checked by the police at checkpoints, particulalry across prefects
2020-05-02 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Additional campaign about "hoaxes" in regards to COVID-19
2020-04-30 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Monitoring indicators established to decide which prefects are allowed to slowly reopen
2020-04-30 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Extension: of protection network for homeless persons; including mask distribution
2020-04-27 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
Economic assessment group for the prefect established
2020-04-27 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Price maximum set for surgical masks at a maximum of € 0.50
2020-04-27 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Importance of keeping distance despite slow reopening
2020-04-26 In Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public
Face masks mandatory in confined spaces or outdoors where the possibility of maintaining physical spacing is not possible or guaranteed
2020-04-26 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Rules and regulations for all businesses that are allowed to reopen under "phase 2"; also simultaneously "rules for customers" were established
2020-04-23 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
Various prefects have increased their controls in connection with the holidays of the anniversary of the Liberation and Labor Day for the 25th April and 1st May
2020-04-23 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Appeal to citizens for compliance with the rules on travel and social distancing
2020-04-23 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Federfarma and the Italian Motorcycle Federation (IMF) have signed a memorandum of understanding for the delivery of medicines at home.
2020-04-23 Out Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
For the national Liberation Day certain forms of celebrations have been allowed
2020-04-21 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Two calls from the Civil Protection are online to recruit a new contingent of doctors , which will complement the task force already sent on the territory, and 1500 social and health workers , to be allocated to health care facilities, residences for the disabled and penitentiary institutions.
2020-04-21 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
The Council of Ministers allocates another 900 million for the Covid-19 emergency
2020-04-18 In Public health measures: Psychological assistance and medical social work
Reporting of domestic violence now also possible through app
2020-04-17 In Public health measures: Psychological assistance and medical social work
Online survey to establish the live under coronavirus on well-being and mental health effects among other focus areas
2020-04-17 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Italy to launch retail bonds for coronavirus funding
2020-04-16 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Development of online platform to ease the applications for business continuity
2020-04-16 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Economic measure of the prefect, including 400 million EUR loan value as part of a "Credit Package"
2020-04-16 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Aptitude tests supposedly happening in May 2020 for doctors postponed
2020-04-16 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Biobank established with samples to support vaccine and treatment development
2020-04-16 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Additional clinical trials for treatments granted (Colchicine)
2020-04-16 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Tender launched for the procurement of serological tests
2020-04-16 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Mobilization of the National Fire Brigade
2020-04-16 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Disputed some common misconceptions
2020-04-16 Out Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Agile work processes enabled for veterinary medicines operators to meet urgent needs
2020-04-15 Out Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Travel authorized for non-professional activities related to the cultivation of agricultural products and the breeding of cattle.
2020-04-14 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Launch of Telegram channel by Ministry of Health
2020-04-14 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Extension until 3rd May: Parks and playgrounds remain closed, as well as the stop for all sports activities, including training of professionals
2020-04-14 In Movement restrictions: Border checks 
Extension until 3rd May: at all borders
2020-04-14 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
Extension until 3rd May: all schools
2020-04-14 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
An army contingent employed in anti-Covid-19 checks on roads and highways
2020-04-11 Out Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Some exemptions added to essential business continuation, including book stores and children clothes stores, forestry work
2020-04-11 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Additional trials for drug testing authorized
2020-04-11 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
100 more soldiers in the metropolitan area of ??Naples
2020-04-11 In Lockdown: Full lockdown
Extension: of full lock-down until 3rd May
2020-04-10 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Patrols, helicopters and boats will monitor compliance with the anti-Covid-19 bans during Eastern and fines increased
2020-04-10 Out Lockdown: Full lockdown
Companies may restart their business, if they have been communicating with the prefect and a number of security aspects are in place and certain criteria met
2020-04-10 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
Increased check-points and controls in view of Easter holidays, sent letter to prefects, with most adapting respective measures
2020-04-10 In Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring
Use of drones, particularly during increased Easter holiday checks across prefects
2020-04-09 In Public health measures: Psychological assistance and medical social work
Psychological hotline for mental health particularly for elderly or alone living persons established
2020-04-08 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Recommendations and guidelines to live a healthy lifestyle while at home
2020-04-08 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Telemedicines opportunities established with central support for regional health professionals
2020-04-08 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
120 bed COVID-19 reference centre established in Rome
2020-04-07 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Financial support to family members of health professionals that deceased due to the coronavirus
2020-04-07 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
400 billion euros to our businesses, small, medium and large. Of these, 200 billion are for the internal market, the other 200 to boost exports
2020-04-07 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Narcotic and psychotropic substances, simplification of the procedure for issuing import export permits
2020-04-07 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Post and Carabinieri to support delivery of pensions to elderly to avoid their increased exposure during collection
2020-04-07 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
Health screening for migrants (with subsequent quarantine) mandatory
2020-04-03 In Public health measures: Testing policy
Testing policy with differentiation between areas with stretched and those with additional capacities
2020-04-01 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
7 million euros for 12-month research projects
2020-03-31 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
The National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at Work, has transferred 50 million euros to Invitalia, the National Agency for the attraction of investments and business development to strengthen safety levels at workplaces
2020-03-31 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Ministry publishes clarification of public gathering measures, including limiting only one parent being able to go outside, clarification around ban of jogging and going outside with elderly
2020-03-28 In Movement restrictions: Border checks 
Stricter check implemented for anyone entering Italy, by land, air or sea, requiring to share all essential information to be able to follow-up if needed
2020-03-28 In Public health measures: General recommendations
Specific guidance for at-risk persons
2020-03-28 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
4.3 billion EUR in a municipal solidarity fund, and 400 million EUR additionally to mayors
2020-03-27 In Public health measures: Psychological assistance and medical social work
Psychological helpline implemented across Italy’s regions
2020-03-27 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Voluntary call for 500 additional nurses to support the COVID-19 response
2020-03-26 In Social distancing: Changes in prison-related policies
All new detainees at immigration centres need to undergo health check
2020-03-26 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Specific shelters established for the homeless
2020-03-24 In Public health measures: Other public health measures enforced
Research on COVID-19 spread in residental and social structures initiated
2020-03-23 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
Police started monitoring more key areas of traffic across the most-affected areas (e.g. Rimini)
2020-03-23 In Lockdown: Full lockdown
All production will be closed and strictly only those services remain open that are essential (e.g. pharmacies, health facilities, banks, grocery stores, ...); later extended to 13th April
2020-03-23 In Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions
Nationally, the movement between municipalities is banned (apart for essential reasons); later extended to 13th April
2020-03-20 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
Some municipalities have started deploying military personell (e.g. Napoli, Salerno, Messina, harbour checks in Palermo); implementation dates vary by a few days
2020-03-20 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Further closures of public spaces were applied, including closing cementaries and cycle paths
2020-03-20 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Limitations extended with public parks and playgrounds closing
2020-03-20 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
The Bank of Italy have announced a series of measures to help banks and non-bank intermediaries under its supervision
2020-03-20 In Socio-economic measures: Military deployment
To protect elderly people and the compliance with social distancing measure the military is deployed to post offices to have the oversight of the pension withdrawals
2020-03-20 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
Further restrictions on reasons to be outside
2020-03-19 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
10.3 billion euros to strengthen social safety net, in particular temporary unemployment benefits for employees in every productive sector, including businesses with less than five employees.; Families may apply for a suspension of their mortgage repayment if business shutdowns; Parents may claim up to 600 euro to pay for babysitting.
2020-03-19 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
additional 5.1 billion euro that will leverage credit up to 350 billion euro to professionals and firms, in particular SMEs and MidCaps; including moratorium on loan repayments, enhancement of the SME Guarantee Fund, additional guarantees and liquidity to banks, guarantees
2020-03-17 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Economic tax support package: suspension of audits and social security payments, tax credit for sanitary measures, tax deductions and credits
2020-03-17 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
10,000 medicine students allowed to work after graduation
2020-03-17 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Additional 3.2 billion EUR financing available; plans for expansion of health workforce; support to companies producing medical supplies
2020-03-17 In Socio-economic measures: Economic measures
Parental supports, economic help for SMEs
2020-03-17 In Social distancing: Changes in prison-related policies
prisoners allowed to stay home with electric bracelets until June 2020
2020-03-16 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Confiscated buildings from the responsible agency were prepared to be used in the response
2020-03-14 In Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system
Trade unions and ministry of health decide on guidelines for health workers safety
2020-03-13 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Only one airport per regions remains open
2020-03-13 In Socio-economic measures: Limit product imports/exports
Health equipment cannot be exported to third countries, with exceptions, based on EU-wide decision
2020-03-11 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Closure of all public services and places with close contact nationally
2020-03-11 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Some services are being closed, including bars, restaurant and alike as well as retail stores; production facilities remain open
2020-03-10 In Movement restrictions: Additional health/documents requirements upon arrival
A completed self-declaration form must be handed to the airline before arriving in Italy.
2020-03-10 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Asylum hearings postponed until 13th April
2020-03-09 In Social distancing: Limit public gatherings
Ban of public gatherings, e.g. sport or events (no maximum number specified)
2020-03-09 In Movement restrictions: Border closure 
Entry of Italy banned, apart for essential reasons
2020-03-08 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
Northern Italian regions (NUTS2) officially locked down
2020-03-08 In Lockdown: Partial lockdown
General lockdown across component of everyday life; businesses can continue if they implement safety measures
2020-03-06 In Public health measures: Mass population testing
All inhabitants of Vň, a town of around 3000 people, tested
2020-03-04 In Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country
Police controls implemented at hospital entrances due to attacks on health workers
2020-02-25 In Social distancing: Closure of businesses and public services
Closure of museums, cancelling of educational trips
2020-02-23 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
State guidance: All regions at risk (specifically defined) are required to take measures that reduce the spread of the infection, up to full lock-down, including closure of non-essential production and travel restrictions
2020-02-21 In Social distancing: Schools closure 
In all municipalities that are affected (case >1) schools of any level will be closed
2020-02-21 In Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies
All people coming from China or other risk areas have to give notice to the officials and a 14 days fiduciary self-isolation applies
2020-02-05 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
Scientific Technical Committee established
2020-01-31 In Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared
State of Emergency declared on the risks associated with the onset of diseases caused by transmissible viral agents
2020-01-31 In Movement restrictions: International flights suspension
Limited flights to and from China
2020-01-27 In Public health measures: Awareness campaigns
Toll-free information hotline implemented
2020-01-23 In Public health measures: Health screenings in airports and border crossings
The temperature of all travelers returning home will be checked
2020-01-22 In Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established
Ministry task-force established