Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Presidents Piñera and Moreno sign Chile-Ecuador Free Trade Agreement, which will generate important benefits for micro, small and medium-sized companies: "It is an agreement for the 21st century that we appreciate and value very much" |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The President announced a massive and urgent program of employment subsidies, which may benefit up to 1 million people and will cost close to US $ 2 billion. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures President Piñera delivers US $ 120 million to municipalities to strengthen measures against the coronavirus: "The role of mayors is fundamental". The resources can be used to help the community in the face of the pandemic with the purchase of food, medicines, basic supplies, temporary accommodation and transfers. Municipalities will also be allowed to allocate these resources to essential public services for the functioning of the communes in this emergency period. |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established The President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, presented the "Step by Step" Plan, which considers five phases to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic, ranging from quarantine to an advanced opening. "According to the fulfillment of the sanitary criteria, each commune or region will be able to take steps forward in this process of deconfinition. But also, if conditions make it necessary, they will be able to go back to previous steps " |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Step 1. quarantine, which considers limited mobility to minimize the interaction and spread of the virus. This phase includes restrictions on personal mobility; exclusive permits for essential activities; compliance with the curfew, physical distancing and customs and sanitary cords; mandatory quarantines for people over 75 years old; and the prohibition of moving to a second home. This stage considers the suspension of face-to-face classes, the closure of borders and the prohibition of events of more than 50 people, the operation of clubs, cinemas, theaters, pubs, discos and gyms, as well as the attention to the public of cafes and restaurants . |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Step 2. transitional, in which the degree of confinement is reduced, but abrupt opening is avoided to minimize the risks of contagion. Here the quarantine is maintained on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays; compliance with the curfew and customs and sanitary cordons; mandatory quarantine for people over 75 years old; and there is a permitted offset. However, as in the quarantine, it considers the suspension of face-to-face classes, the closure of borders and the prohibition of the operation of clubs, cinemas, theaters, pubs, discotheques and gyms, as well as the attention to the public of cafes and restaurants . In addition, social and recreational activities of more than 10 people are prohibited. |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Step 3. preparation and considers the lifting of quarantine for the general population, with the exception of risk groups. Compliance with the curfew, customs and sanitary cordons and the mandatory quarantine for people over 75 years of age is maintained. However, social and recreational activities are allowed any day of the week with a maximum of 50 people and travel is allowed, except for curfew hours. As in the previous phase, the suspension of face-to-face classes continues, unless requested by the mayors; the closing of borders and the prohibition of the operation of clubs, cinemas, theaters, pubs, discos and gyms, as well as the attention to the public of cafes and restaurants. |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Step 4. initial opening and allows you to resume certain activities with a lower risk of contagion, minimizing crowds. It considers compliance with the curfew and customs and sanitary lines, but allows travel and adults over 75 can leave once a day. The gradual return of face-to-face classes is authorized, according to the planning of the Ministry of Education; cinemas and theaters with a maximum capacity of 25% are allowed; and customer service in restaurants and cafes, also with 25% capacity. However, clubs, pubs, discos and gyms remain closed. The ban on events of more than 50 people is maintained. |
Socio-economic measures: Emergency administrative structures activated or established Step 5. advanced opening, which allows increasing the number of people in activities allowed in the previous phase, always with self-care measures. In this phase, the transfer to second homes and the free movement of people over 75 years of age are already authorized. In addition, the gradual return of face-to-face classes is authorized and cinemas and theaters with a maximum capacity of 75% and cafes and restaurants serving the public, also with 75% capacity, are allowed. In addition, gyms, pubs and discos are opened with 50% of their capacity. Events of more than 150 people are prohibited. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures President of the Republic, Sebastián Piñera, presented a support program for the middle class that includes the postponement of state-guaranteed mortgage loans, soft loans to give them immediate resources, an expansion of the rental subsidy and credit to the higher education. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures payment to more than 1.5 million households of the Emergency Family Income, part of the social protection network created by the Government against the socioeconomic effects of the Covid pandemic -19. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures grace pensions provided under the title "Heroes of the Fatherland" for relatives of health officials who died during the combat of the world coronavirus pandemic . |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures President Piñera signs a project that expands coverage and benefits of the Employment Protection Law and Unemployment Insurance |
Movement restrictions: Surveillance and monitoring With the legal amendment, penalties ranging from 61 to 540 days or a fine of $ 300 thousand to $ 1 million, increase to a range of 61 days to 3 years, or to a fine of $ 300 thousand to $ 10 million. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Economic support for low-income households. |
Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared President Piñera extends 90-day Constitutional State of Emergency throughout the country. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures The program, which amounts to US $ 12,000 million, expands and strengthens the Emergency Family Income, increases coverage and improves the benefits of Unemployment Insurance and allocates additional funds for municipalities and Civil Society Organizations, to which adds a fund to finance the additional health expenses necessary to combat this pandemic and benefits for families with preschool children. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Health Minister Jaime Mañalich announced that total quarantine measures will be expanded to other areas of the country from 22:00 (local time) on Friday, June 12, due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. As of Friday, the following communes will be under quarantine: Curacaví (Melipilla province), Melipilla (Melipilla province), San José de Maipo (Cordillera province), Peñaflor (Talagante province), Tiltil (Chacabuco province), Pozo Almonte (Tamarugal province), Valparaíso (Valparaíso province) and Viña del Mar (Valparaíso province). Quarantine measures remain in place in Cerro Navia, Conchalí, La Granja, San Miguel, Lo Espejo, Macul, Lo Prado, Peñalolén, La Florida, Renca, San Joaquín, La Cisterna, Independencia, Quinta Normal, Estación Central, Pedro Aguirre Cerda, El Bosque, San Bernardo, La Pintana, San Ramón, and Puente Alto. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures the payment to new families benefiting from the Emergency Family Income, which is part of the set of measures that the Government has arranged to protect the homes that have been affected by the effects Socioeconomic aspects of the Covid-19 health crisis. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system incorporation of school transport into the system for transferring suspected patients or with Covid-19 to health residences to comply with their quarantines and protect the health of citizens. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine mesures in San Antonio, Valparaiso Region, and Calama, Antofagasta Region. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures President Piñera highlights distribution of over 500,000 "food for Chile" baskets in the Metropolitan Region. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Public utility, security and media services must apply for a permit for their workers, which will have a duration of seven days. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system President Piñera receives a shipment of mechanical ventilators and oxygen therapy equipment to serve patients with Covid-19: "We are working to strengthen our health system" |
Public health measures: Psychological assistance and medical social work President presents Mental Health-Healthy program: "In times of adversity, the Government has to protect Chilean families" |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures President Piñera begins payment of the Guaranteed Minimum Income Subsidy that will benefit up to 700 thousand workers: "We know that it is not enough, but we also know that it is a contribution and a relief" |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies In order for people living in a situation of greater vulnerability to be able to carry out their isolation in an adequate manner, the role of health residences has been strengthened. There, people who need to be isolated in quarantine will benefit from adequate heating, service, visite by a doctor, and provided with food. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system The conversion of critical beds was increased in three hospitals in the Metropolitan Region: the Asistencia Pública or ex Posta Central, the Clínica Municipal de Las Condes and the Hospital Metropolitano. The authority explained that, with this measure, 400 new intensive care beds will be added to the integrated health network. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown All of the metropolitan region of Santiago and six neighbouring municipalities (San Bernardo, Buin, Puente Alto, Padre Hurtado, Lampa y Colina) is under quarantine until at least 29 May (inclusive). Full quarantine is also in place in the following towns and cities until 29 May (inclusive) in: Antofagasta, Mejillones, Iquique (Tarapacá), Alto Hospicio (Tarapacá) and (from 22:00 on 22 May). Lonquimay (Araucanía). In those areas in quarantine, people are allowed to leave their residences only under certain circumstances, including for medical reasons, basic services, and public services. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Second Modular Hospital arrives in Chile, adding 100 new beds to the Health Network. |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions Sanitary cordons in place in Greater Santiago, Greater Concepción and Temuco. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Economic support to households and companies, to mitigate the negative economic impact of covid-19. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Easing of the patrtial lockdown in Angol and Victoria. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Total quarantine for Gran Santiago (includes all comunas in the Santiago Province, as well as the comunas of Puente Alto, San Bernardo, Padre Hurtado, Buin, Lampa, and Colina. Outside Santiago, the government of Chile has implemented quarantines in Arica, Iquique and Alto Hospicio. Residents are prohibited from leaving their homes with the exception of seeking medical assistance, accessing public services, and paying bills for public services, for which a permit will be required. |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Increase of hospital capacities following increase of cases in Gran Santiago. |
Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public The use of face masks is mandatory in all all public spaces in the comuna of Las Condes. |
Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country Sanitary barriers will be installed at the accesses leading from the Metropolitan Region to Valparaiso and Viña del Mar |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown 12 new communes to be quarantined in Santiago. Extension of all other quarantined communes, excepted Nuñoa. In total, 25 communes are quarantined in the region, with 4 million people under lockdown. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown The commune of Nuñoa exits quarantine. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings All cemeteries will remain closed during the week-end to limit public gathering. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures APEC economies agree to keep markets open and trade flowing |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown The communes of Cerrillos, Quilicura, Recoleta and the extension of the commune of Santiago, in the Metropolitan Region, enter into quarantine. In addition, the urban radius of Antofagasta and the commune of Mejillones also enter into quarantine. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Economic benefic "Bono Invirno 2020" delivered to pensioners. The benefit amounts to Ch$64,549 and will reach 1,352,000 pensioners throughout Chile. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Economic support for the cultural sector. |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions The Chilean Government will enforce a new sanitary cordon in the cities of Santiago and Concepcion until Sunday 3rd May at 10pm. |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions Sanitary cordons set up in the Metropolitan Region and the Gran Concepción to prevent movement of population during the the holidays for. Will be in place until Sunday 3 May at 10 p.m. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown La Pintana, south of San Ramón, as well as Estación Central, in the Metropolitan Region; Angol and Victoria, in La Araucanía; and the commune of Independencia will all be put under quarantine. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown 7-day quarantine and partial lockdown will apply to Quinta Normal, Pedro Aguirre Cerda & Independencia. Quarantines for Ñuñoa (north), Central Santiago (north), the western half of Puente Alto, El Bosque & San Bernardo will continue until 30 April. Quarantines also in place until 30 Apr (inclusive) for Arica (urban area), Temuco, Osorno, Chiloé & Punta Arenas. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Government increases by 50% the resources announced to support municipalities in the purchase of emergency supplies for Covid-19. |
Social distancing: Changes in prison-related policies General commutative pardons for men over 60 years of age, women over 55 years of age, pregnant women or women with a son or daughter under two years of age. Deprivation of liberty in jail are commutated in house arrest sentences. |
Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public Extension: Obligatory to wear face mask in transports and closed public spaces, including lifts, banks, supermarkets and other facilities. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Urban area of Arica is under lockdown until the 23rd of april. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown El Bosque and San Berndao (North East) are under lockdown until the 23rd of april. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Price cap on medical fees. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Joint Ministerial Statement affirming commitment to ensuring supply chain connectivity amidst the COVID-19 situation |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Extension: Las Condes, North of Santiago, North of N~un~oa and Half of Puente Alto remain under quarantine until further notice. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown End of the lockdown in Lo Barnechea, Las Condes, Vitacura, Providencia, N~un~oa-South and Santiago-South. |
Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country Checkpoints for entry and exit of the Santiago Metropolitan Area and the city of Concepcion until the 12th of April. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown Extension: Lo Barnechea, Las Condes, Vitacura, Providencia, N~un~oa and Santiago remain under lockdown until 13th of April. Parts of the Puente Alto is also under lockdown until 13th of April. Lockdown in Punta Arenas is extended until the 15th of April. Lockdown in Temuco y Padre las Casas is extended until 16th of April. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures 2nd plan of economic support for households and companies. |
Public health measures: General recommendations Recommended to wear a mask in public spaces. Due to the lack of available masks, the government published an online tutorial for DIY masks. |
Public health measures: Requirement to wear protective gear in public Travellers must wear face mask in all public transports (avion, trains, buses, taxi, etc.). |
Public health measures: Strengthening the public health system Private health sector (staff, facilities and equipment) is directed and coordinated by the public health sector. |
Social distancing: Changes in prison-related policies The government ask the national police to ’take santary measures to avoid the infection of carceral population". |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings All visits to old people’s home are forbidden. |
Movement restrictions: Checkpoints within the country Health checkpoints and passport checks at the entry and exit of provincial borders. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown All habitants from Chilian and Chilian Viejo are obligated to remain at home for 7 days. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown All habitants from Osorno are obligated to remain at home for 7 days. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown All habitants from Temuco and Padre Las Casas are obligated to remain at home for 7 days. |
Lockdown: Partial lockdown 7-day quarantine for the following neighborhoods (comunas) in Santiago: Santiago Centro, Independencia, Providencia, Ñuñoa, Las Condes, Vitacura, and Lo Barnechea. |
Socio-economic measures: Economic measures Price cap on basic products and pharmaceuticals. |
Movement restrictions: Curfews Extension of the curfew to 2pm - 5am. |
Movement restrictions: Domestic travel restrictions Chileans must not travel to any secondary home they may have. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies People aged 80+ should remain at home under quarantine. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine around the town of Puerto Williams, ‘sanitary cordon’ around the town of Chillan and San Pedro de la Paz, tightening of sanitary regulations for the whole of Chiloe Island and quarantine around Easter Island |
Movement restrictions: Curfews Nationwide curfew between the hours of 2200 and 0500 until further notice. |
Social distancing: Schools closure All pre-schools and schools, until 30th of March. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Public gathering of more than 50 people are prohibited. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings Bars, restaurants, clubs, cinema, theatres and cultural centres are closed. |
Social distancing: Limit public gatherings All sport, cultural and professional events are cancelled. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Quarantine of 14 days for Easter Island. |
Socio-economic measures: State of emergency declared 90-day ‘National State of Catastrophe’ |
Socio-economic measures: Military deployment Chilean armed forces are present at ports of entry to ensure compliance with the restrictions. |
Movement restrictions: Border closure Borders closed for entry for a minimum of 14 days. Chilean citizens and permanent residents are exempted. Exit still permitted. |
Movement restrictions: Border closure Cruises not allowed to dock at Chilean ports. |
Social distancing: Changes in prison-related policies Below-18 prison must be quarantined for 14 days. |
Movement restrictions: Additional health/documents requirements upon arrival Any international travelers admitted to Chile (on an exceptional basis) should submit a sworn declaration listing the countries they have visited in the past 30 days. Any travelers who have visited any "affected country" within the past 30 days will be screened for signs of the virus. |
Public health measures: Isolation and quarantine policies Passengers from Spain or Italy |